Born in 1959 and hopefully many more years to go. Looking at my age, you know this site is not by a young backpacker with legs on the go. There was a time though but not anymore. The legs are now slightly wobbly but the travel spirit is still there but at a slower pace. No more traveling cheap but I’m not a jetsetter. I’m still watchful of my budget.

My travel bug began in the 1960s traveling and staying with my dad in different parts of the world on his assignments and holidays. By my late teens, I started traveling on my own with a small budget funded by who else. The late 1970s to mid-1980s were the backpacker years. Each trip lasted as long as I could stretch the money.

By the mid-1980s it was time to get a job. It was my fate to get jobs and work assignments that gave me the opportunity to travel. My days of traveling on a shoestring was over when funded by whoever hired me. But always watchful of my budget when I had to fund my own trips. That is when my assignments allowed to take some time off.

So where have I lived and traveled all these years? Different parts of Asia-Pacific, Middle-East, Europe, and North America would be the answer. Do I travel alone? Not anymore, I have a wife who follows me. There are some things she does better than me when we travel.

My first degree was in biochemistry but never became a biochemist. My second degree was a Master in Business Administration. My working life revolved around the field of business consultancy. Things like business and economic research, market analysis, strategic planning, and all that serious stuff. In fact, too serious for many.

Looking at my education and work background, I’m an unlikely person to write a travel site. Besides, most personal travel sites are by young travelers writing about their adventures. Well, you can guess my age but traveling has always been a part of me. Though I travel less nowadays, I have more time to write. Regardless of your age, I hope you find this site helpful.